Monday, 22 December 2014

Health Benefits of Donating Blood

Health Benefits of Donating Blood
A spider bite might not transform you into a superhero, but a small needle prick and a little of your time sure can. Yes, by donating blood you’ll be saving up to three human lives each time. And here is even more awesome news: not only is donating blood extremely beneficial to those on the receiving end, it also has proven benefits to the person donating blood. Hereare some of the benefits you gain for you humanitarian efforts.
1. The Joy of Saving Human Lives
It is such a wonderful feeling being able to help doctors save human lives. There are no perfect substitutes for human blood. The blood you donate is divided into various components according to the needs of patients. Each component can be used by different recipients for various purposes. Many new-born babies may benefit from a single blood donor as their blood requirements are smaller. Every time you donate blood, you can help up to 3 or 4 individual recipients. Be a hero by donating blood.
2. Free Health Check-up
You can donate blood only if you are fit enough to do so. Before every blood donation process, a series of health check-ups are performed on the donor totally free of cost. This will be of great benefit to you. For example, you will come to know of any blood pressure abnormalities. That will help diagnose some of the indolent diseases at the early stage before they get flared up and present with multiple medical problems. Further, after the blood is donated, the blood and blood products that are derived from them are screened for certain infections. You can choose to be informed if they find any abnormality in those screening tests. Frequent blood donations are good free health check-ups that will help you stay healthy.
3. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease
Regular blood donations help to keep the levels of iron in the body in check, especially in males. This has shown to reduce heart disease. Though iron is an essential element for the proper functioning of the body, excessive iron build up can result in excessive oxidative damage. Oxidative damage is the major culprit implicated in accelerated ageing, heart attacks, strokes etc.
4. Burns Calories
One time blood donation helps you shed 650 Kcal. This can aid you in your body weight control measures. However, blood can be donated safely once in two or three months and not more frequently. This will depend on your health status and your blood haemoglobin and iron levels.
5. Reduces the Risk of Cancer
High levels of iron have been implicated in cancer. Theoretically, donating blood frequently will reduce the risk of cancers. More research is going on to find strong evidence on this one. However, the old myth that blood donations may lead to cancer has been put to the grave.
Few more benefits:
  1. A Whole blood donor can donate as frequently as 90 days. A benefits from this often is that you receive a mini-physical examination .
  2. Statistics show that 25% or more of us will require blood at least once in our life time.
  3. Men who participate in blood donation experience a 30% lower incident of heart disease and stroke.
  4. Blood donation can reduce the overall iron levels which may protect from heart disease.
  5. Blood donation forces your body to replace the lost blood with fresh new cells.
  6. Men don't have menstrual periods, so they store more iron in their body which is harmful by creating free radical injury.
  7. Voluntary blood donation is not only a confidential and free mean by which HIV,HBS,HCV,VDRL,MALARIA testing can be done , but is also offers this testing in a socially acceptable and non-stigmatizing setting.
  8. When you donate one unit of blood, our body burns 650 calories. So it keeps you fit and prevent obesity and complications.
  9. There is lower incidence of coronary heart disease and obesity in blood donors, as it lowers the cholesterol and other lipids.
  10. It has been found that elderly people in good health have reported feeling invigorated and reenergized by giving blood on regular basis.
  11. As an individual donates more frequently, anxiety decreases and positive feeling increases and self-commitment develops, so it adds to one's self esteem and general well-being.

Still having doubts and excuses that prevent you from donating blood? Watch this video.
Donating blood is a very safe procedure and is not harmful to you. You will be assessed for your eligibility by medical personnel before you can donate blood. The bare minimum: A healthy 16 year old weighing at least 110 lbs.